See NPI’s DynaClass® Tooling and Molding Datasheet on Qmed Supplier News, under Medical Device Resources – Datasheets.
Now what is DynaClass®? Read below for a quick overview of NPI’s unique tooling and molding system developed to produce high quality precision parts in a compressed time frame.
Rapid Tooling and Prototype Tooling & Molding are great alternatives to traditional prototype methods, but when the end result required is true production level parts, with higher expectations for critical dimensions, quality, maintaining true CAD geometry, and in some cases full validation, then the clear choice for the program can be found in the DynaClass system of Quick-Turn Manufacturing. The DynaClasstooling system was developed to fill the void between where prototype tooling falls short andfull blown production tooling. NPI Medical offers 4 levels of tooling to match your programs needs from 1 to 500,000 parts.